Warehousing & Logistics - Keep it safe and clean | Nilfisk Official Website

Keep your warehouse safe and clean

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Top 5 Ways to Maximize Warehouse Efficiency and Safety with a Cleaning Program

1. Keep your people safe

Clean warehouses improve employee safety and confidence, support greater productivity, and experience fewer workflow disruptions.

  • CONTROL DUST. It affects air quality, worker health, and equipment lifetimes.

  • SANITIZE FLOORS REGULARLY. Pathogens can find their way onto shoes and unshelved products.

  • DISINFECT SURFACES. High-touch areas should be given extra attention whenever possible.

2. Help maintain productivity

Operations are smoother, work is easier, and morale is higher in clean spaces. Warehouses are no exception.

  • ACCESORIZE EQUIPMENT. The right accessories will make it easier to tackle specific areas and jobs at your facility.

  • MINIMIZE MAINTENANCE. A machine built for easy service is more likely to be ready whenever a site needs cleaned.

  • PRIORITIZE COMFORT. Each solution’s ergonomics will impact how well your operators can clean with it.

3. Lower your costs and maximize value

Your cleaning program will have a positive impact on the bottom line when it’s at its most efficient and effective.

  • PROLONG YOUR EQUIPMENT LIFETIME. Your equipment performance will be enhanced and maintained more reliably under clean, dry, dust- free operating conditions.

  • KEEP IT COMPLIANT. Hygiene and waste- containment regulations are no joke. Failure to comply can lead to fines and even shutdown.

  • BE PROACTIVE ABOUT SERVICE. Choose equipment designed for easy part-replacement, and keep a close eye on performance to avoid downtime.

4. Protect your products

Quality standards are easier to maintain when cleanliness and hygiene are both maximized, and your customers will notice.

  • VACUUM REGULARLY. Minimal dust, debris, and contaminants in inventory or packing areas means greater packaging safety and quality.

  • DISINFECT SHARED VEHICLES. Sanitizing them will ensure safer packing and delivery.

  • DEEP-CLEAN BY DEFAULT. With so many people moving in and out of storage areas, a more detailed cleaning process is a safer bet.

5. Make a great impression

A clean warehouse sends the right message to visitors and employees, demonstrating an internal commitment to professionalism and quality.

  • DON’T FORGET OUTSIDE. Remember that a good first impression starts before anyone sets foot in your building.

  • MAKE IT VISIBLE. These days, it pays to show people that your facility’s standard of clean is always being kept where it needs to be.

  • CONSIDER AUTOMATION. Maintaining a high standard 24/7 is easier if your equipment can operate without oversight.


Even after the pandemic is over, controlling the spread of pathogens should be a key priority at every warehouse.


of managers say a systematic approach to cleaning & staff skills and motivation make the difference.*


Inform that standards of clean have increased significantly for facilities since the start of the covid-19 pandemic.**


Report more formalized cleaning plans.**

Sources: * "Understanding the value of clean in warehouses", Nilfisk/Savanta 2019. ** "Disinfection study”, Nilfisk/Savanta, 2021

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