Cleaning Assessments for Warehouses and Logistics Facilities | Nilfisk Official Website

Take a moment to think about your biggest cleaning challenges. We don’t mean just “it takes too much time” or “our cleaning costs are too high,” but the specific challenges in your facility. For example:

  • Is there one particular part of the warehouse that always seems dirty?
  • Does your floor scrubber drive your cleaning staff crazy because they have to dump and refill the tanks too often?
  • Does your sweeper kick up too much dust?

These are the kinds of challenges that make every cleaning application unique, and understanding what’s causing them is key to selecting the right cleaning equipment and developing a cleaning program that will meet your needs.

That’s why we offer free cleaning assessments -- so we can understand your challenges and help you reach your goals.

Here’s what happens when a Nilfisk consultant visits your facility for a cleaning assessment:

  • A facility walk-through to get the lay of the land and identify any safety hazards or noncompliance areas. The equipment you need depends heavily on the size and type of the areas to be cleaned, so that’s one of the first things we need to determine. In addition, our consultants have been in a lot of facilities and they can help you spot safety hazards or noncompliance areas you might not be aware of.
  • Questions to understand your specific cleaning challenges. This is where the questions listed above come into play. The goal is for us to understand what your current cleaning program looks like, what’s working well, and where you’d like to see improvement.
  • Customized equipment recommendations. We offer a wide variety of equipment, and each machine has its own range of options and accessories. Not all of them will be right for you. Once we’ve gathered all of the information about your facility, we can make recommendations customized for your applications and environments.
  • Equipment demos. We love talking about the benefits of our equipment, but there’s no substitute for you taking it for a test drive. We always give you and your staff the opportunity to try our products and make sure they fit your needs.

If you’d like to learn more about Nilfisk cleaning assessments, or if you’d like to schedule a free assessment for your facility, reach out here. We’re always happy to answer questions and help in any way we can.

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