A new scope of cleaning | Nilfisk
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A new scope of cleaning

Health and safety is a high priority matter
where cleaning can make a difference

ARTICLE - MARCH 03, 2022

A new approach to how we clean

The last couple of years has taught us to adapt and integrate new ways of cleaning. It has been about unveiling new approaches to performing day-to-day cleaning tasks while finding ways to achieve even higher cleaning standards.

The coming months and years will likely show us that these changes are here to stay. Health and safety have always been a top priority for many of us, but today cleaning provides reassurance for customers and users that the spaces we use are healthy and safe, because they are being cleaned more often – and more thoroughly.

Cleanliness has become synonymous with safety

With heightened awareness in cleaning comes changes in the procedures, products, and equipment used to achieve cleaning standards that are now in demand. Creating welcoming spaces for people to live and work depends on our ability to formulate and apply new ideas to our cleaning and sanitizing practices.

In recent years, shifting standards in cleaning of public spaces have had a functional and psychological impact across a diversity of industries:

Cleaning in action

Clean often
  • Clean and sanitise counters and equipment after every interaction or use
  • Disinfect high-touch objects (e.g., door handles, light switches) multiple times a day
  • Disinfect floors and other lower-touch surfaces at least once a day
  • Deep clean high-traffic areas frequently
Clean visible
  • Clean floors, restrooms, and other common areas during working hours
  • Clean high-touch objects like point-of-sale systems right before customers use them
  • Provide hand sanitiser and sanitising wipes so that people can control the cleanliness of things they touch
  • Get and display third-party certification where possible
  • Display information about your cleaning protocols on your property and on your websites; if possible, send this information to customers and employees by email
  • Hold regular employee briefing about cleaning activities
  • Provide materials employees can take home to reassure their families on their safety

To maintain and create welcoming spaces for us to live and work depends on our ability to conceive and apply new ideas towards our cleaning and sanitizing practices. This is something that is of high focus for us, and where we believe a partnership with our customers will flourish through closer dialogue, learning more about their cleaning challenges, and collaborating to find the best solutions to meet their needs.

Finding the right approach together

No matter what sector you’re in, adapting to this new scope will bring questions and challenges, such as:

  • what procedures should be implemented
  • what cleaning solutions work best
  • how can you best support your cleaning crew and keep them safe
  • how to best manage the increased need for cleaning within existing time and labor constraints

For more than 100 years, we have been working with our customers to solve cleaning challenges. We thrive by joining forces with our customers.

We invite you to join us in the conversation about how we, as an industry, can tackle new challenges together. Let’s partner up and change things for the better.

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